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Sunday, November 4, 2012


     This week at Purple Rose we might have to take a forfeit because our players decided to call out- therefor leaving us stranded. The rules of the APA league is the team needs at least 4 to start and two to play. That's what the guy in charge said during lasts week's game. I myself take partial blame I could not play because I was sick. The other person that could not make it - later arrived at our bar to hang out before the time the league would have began. The construction is almost done and the difference is highly recognizable. The walls are totally different colors and the position of the furniture will be changed. The bar isn't closing instead they are working piece by piece to change the look - without having to close. Closing the bar would cause the business to lose revenue and if customers see a closed bar, they go to another bar to spend money. 



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